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Atsko Sno-Seal Clear Leather Protector - 7 oz.
  • Atsko Sno-Seal Clear Leather Protector - 7 oz.


Atsko Sno-Seal Clear Leather Protector - 7 oz.

$9.59  $3.00
Save: 69% off

Availability : In-Stock

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Product Information

Sno-Seal Original Beeswax Waterproofing protects leather from rain, sun, snow and salt. Once dry the beeswax formula 'stays put' within the surface of the leather so it lasts longer. Our competitors' greases, oil and animal products are able to migrate through the leather clogging all the pores. Inferior waterproofing products eliminate the natural spaces that are supposed to absorb perspiration and insulate. Only Sno-Seal water-proofs completely while maintaining breathability.

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