Years ago, in Old Europe, sugar was very scarce. For this reason, Bread & Butter pickles were a delicacy and saved for very special occasions. They were considered a great treat. Today we can enjoy Bread & Butter pickles any time we want and they are still a great treat! Did you ever notice that other Bread & Butter pickles have a very yellow tinted juice. This is because sugar turns a cucumber a bluish gray, so other companies add yellow turmeric and polysorbate to their pickles - yellow and blue makes green. But Great Grandma Skufca didn't have polysorbate or turmeric and she didn't need them. She knew that adding a grape leaf to her jar would keep the natural green color of the pickles, even with the added sugar - no need to dye them green again. It keeps them crisp and crunchy too. That's why Tru Bread & Butter Pickles have a clear, clean look and you will love the taste. Tru Pickles brings back the 100-year-old process for your enjoyment. Sometimes the old ways are still tr¨¹ly the best ways. No colors, oils or emulsifiers added. Purely natural, no fat, no gluten. Refrigerate to 35-40 degrees before serving and refrigerate after opening.