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Garden Weasel Cultivating Tool
  • Garden Weasel Cultivating Tool


Garden Weasel Cultivating Tool

$32.99  $12.00
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Product Information

The 5-way cultivating tool that became a household name is now better than ever. For more than 45 years, the Garden Weasel has made gardens look great. The Garden Weasel is more solid than ever, from head to tines. The Original 5-way tool loosens and cultivates with 3 interchangeable rotary bladed wheels. Durable carbon steel. Comfort-grip handle. Simply apply the garden weasel to the soil and cultivate with a back-and-forth motion. Weather rust resistant. Easy to store. Durable tines. Aerates/weeds. Self-cleaning. For easier cultivating, slightly wet the soil and detach 1 or 2 tines for work between narrow garden rows. Garden weasel works at a constant 1-1/2 in. depth and helps the lawn breathe, absorb water & hold grass seed. 45' handle. 7.5' head width. 54.5' overall height. Red

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