Power outages hit without warning, leaving you scrambling to find your way in the dark. But what if you could make your home disruption-proof against the next rolling blackout? With the NEBO Blackout Backup Emergency Bulb, you won¡¯t be caught in the dark. It functions just like a standard LED bulb and fits most lighting fixtures, but its rechargeable internal battery stays charged and ready to provide your home with up to 12 hours of emergency lighting. Simply twist it into the light socket, turn on the light or fixture and it will begin charging the internal battery. The energy-efficient LED uses only 8-watts, making it an ideal replacement for 60-Watt incandescent bulbs and even CFL bulbs. The included power cap allows it to be used as a portable handheld light and the integrated hanging hook offers the ability to use it anywhere, even if you don¡¯t have a lighting fixture available. With the Blackout Backup Emergency Bulb, you¡¯ll have peace of mind that the next outage won¡¯t take your house by surprise. Provides approximately 12 hours of backup battery life on lowest setting (80 lumen).