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O-ACE-sis Poly-Brite Filter Tabs - 1.5 lb.
  • O-ACE-sis Poly-Brite Filter Tabs - 1.5 lb.


O-ACE-sis Poly-Brite Filter Tabs - 1.5 lb.

$22.99  $8.00
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Product Information

Poly-Brite filter tabs are not your average clarifier. Compatible with sand, diatomaceous earth (D.E.) and cartridge filter systems. Permits filter to remove organic and inorganic impurities providing polished water clarity. Works in as little as 12 hours and leaves no floc to be vacuumed. Can be applied through the skimmer, gutter, pump pot, surge pit or off-line feeder. Reduces amount of sanitizer consumed by physically removing organic and inorganic material. 1.5 pounds of Poly-Brite will provide up to 5 treatments on a 30,000-gallon pool or 1 treatment on a 150,000-gallon pool. Clarifies brilliantly with the natural properties of chitosan. All-natural chitosan formula not a synthetic polymer. Removes oil, soap, metals, cosmetics other particulates. Go longer between filter cleanings, backwashes and replacements. Compatible with all sanitizing systems.

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