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Snappy Turtle Toy Lawnmower
  • Snappy Turtle Toy Lawnmower


Snappy Turtle Toy Lawnmower

$49.99  $18.00
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Product Information

Doing yard work is a snap when the cheerful Snappy Turtle helps! This cleverly designed plastic lawnmower has lots of ways to interest little ones: a storage compartment under the shell, a plastic fuel can to 'pour,' dials that turn, slide, and click, and a pull-cord that makes a motor sound! Made from durable materials with Snappy's smiling face, this is a mower is great for indoor or outdoor play. It's got a sturdy handle to help new walkers, and will encourage gross motor skill development, role play activities, and an exploration of the natural world. Lock handle in place before giving to child. Makes a great gift for toddlers and preschoolers, ages 2 to 4, for hands-on, screen-free play.
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