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Growit All-Purpose Organic CoCo Coir Mix Brick - 3 pc.
  • Growit All-Purpose Organic CoCo Coir Mix Brick - 3 pc.


Growit All-Purpose Organic CoCo Coir Mix Brick - 3 pc.

$9.99  $3.00
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Product Information

Give your plants a sturdy growing structure with Growit's CoCo Coir Bricks. These bricks support your plants all year long. They retain water, making sure plants never go thirsty, but due to their texture, they also offer excellent drainage properties. Plants are no longer at risk of drowning in too packed or over watered soil. Instead, Growit's ideal consistency gives them room to breathe and for roots to grow freely, capturing that essential air to water ratio for your biggest growth yet. Implement this pathogen free media to your potting soil or in place of bark as an attractive and all-natural ground cover.

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